Sustainability services

Smarter business for a stronger world

Working towards a sustainable tomorrow

Sustainability  isn’t about ticking a box. It’s about making a difference - for the world and for your business. It’s about creating sustained outcomes for environmental and societal good. And governing your business responsibly and inclusively to build long term resilience. PwC's passionate community of solvers are ready to put in the work with you - environmentalists, sociologists, economists, strategists, technologists. We're here to help you turn business as usual into new ways of thinking and doing. Building trust today to secure a sustainable future.

A strategy led action plan

Business cannot continue to overlook the consequences of climate change in the pursuit of profit, or ignore the social impact of their practices. It's time to take action. To turn aspiration into a blueprint for success.  Creating impact through sustainability means putting a tangible, practical plan in place. It should touch every part of every business - from investment to sustainable innovation. You need to sound a clear call-to-action for your entire organisation to follow. And you need to bring your best people and smartest technology together so your business can see more, go deeper and act swiftly. Ready to take on the biggest challenges, with the ability to flex your priorities. Staying ahead of vulnerabilities whilst creating new opportunities to shift the expected.

How we solve for the world's biggest challenges

Transformation inside for the outside

Success is no longer measured by finances alone, but by how well you prepare for and adapt to the realities of a highly dynamic world. We need continual innovation to inspire and lead positive change throughout our business communities From net zero to the circular economy, Sustainability is an approach that enables us all to take bold steps forward. We bring together an unexpected and dynamic combination of talent and technology- to help you to drive your sustainability strategy into the heart of your business. Helping you make the operational, cultural and financial changes needed to deliver long term value. Transforming from the inside, to transform the lives of your people, customers and your community.

How we solve for a win for all

The measure of transparency

Responsibility. Sustainability. Diversity. These are the bywords of today’s businesses. But how can you be sure you measure up to them? We deliver the proven approaches and smart technologies to infuse ESG principles throughout your business – from finance and tax to people and value chains. And it’s only when we all take a proactive approach to proving our commitment – to all parties, internal and external – that real change will happen, with measurable success. Our team can orchestrate the right combination of data, metrics and disclosures for you to build a better, and transparently brighter future, earning greater trust for generations to come.


How we solve for a more transparent tomorrow
ESG Self assesment

ESG Self-Assessment

ESG isn’t about checking a box. It’s about transforming your business and approach to focus on a new set of outcomes. One that continuously creates value and builds trust for business, economy and society.

How do you get there from here? You need a realistic path.

We have designed this tool to help you assess your starting point and map the way forward.

The tool looks at 21 key features of ESG programme planning. Choose the statement under each question that best matches the current situation at your organisation. Upon completing the self-assessment you will receive a starting point profile and invitation to discuss suggested next steps.

More about ESG Self-Assessment


Our experience

Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on institutional responses to gender-based violence in Serbia

Pressure to respond to cases of COVID-19 has disrupted the social, health and legal support for the victims/survivors of gender-based violence. The restrictions imposed on free movement, combined with the fear of infection, have prevented persons in violent situations from accessing necessary support in some cases. 

PwC Serbia provided insight into the pitfalls and best practices of institutions in cases of gender-based violence during the lockdown across Serbia, together with recommendations to the government on recovery measures.

More Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on institutional responses


Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on institutional responses to gender-based violence in Serbia

Green City Action Plan for the City of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Home to a large steel-manufacturing business, the City of Zenica struggled to balance economic benefits with environmental risks. The municipal authorities wanted to take a systematic approach to address issues such as air quality management, green transport, and water and waste management. 

PwC supported the development of a Green City Action Plan, which was approved by the City Council in December 2019.

More about Green City Action Plan


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Contact us

Biljana Bogovac

Biljana Bogovac

Country Managing Partner for Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina , SEE ESG leader, PwC Serbia

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